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其他資料列表: 1.Anne of Green Gables | Official Movie Site anneofgreengables.com The official site for the original ANNE OF GREEN GABLES films, directed by Kevin Sullivan. Starring Megan Follows, Colleen Dewhurst, Richard Farnsworth. www.annefrank.org Anne Frank, the Diary and the Secret Annex. The most complete and current information with unique photos and film images. tudorhistory.org/boleyn Anne Boleyn, attributed to John Hoskins More Images. Born: Between 1500 and 1509 Probably at Blickling Hall. Married to Henry VIII: 25 January 1533 annefrank.com The Anne Frank Center USA renames itself the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect and names civil rights leader Steven Goldstein as its new Executive Director. www.annerice.com The official web site for author Anne Rice and her literary, personal, and business ventures. The latest scoop on Anne's activities, including tours of New Orleans ... |
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